How I use automations for client engagement with multiple reach outs without additional work

We are a lean team without a designated marketing team. We were either not able to keep up with client reach out or were spending a lot of time designated towards. Therefore, it was never consistent and unfortunately could not always be a priority.

We build customer lists based on what services they received at our wellness centers. Once they are the main list, we were able to maintain customer engagement through multiple reach outs without needing to come back into the system to change anything. Once we convert that customer to a member, they get placed into a new group to ensure they receive special, VIP emails to encourage them to come in and spread the word about our facilities.

Select a automated campaign type. Then we decided to skip the trigger at the time. Select an email. Send a secondary email 1 week later, another 1 month later, then 3 months later.

WIth all of this, we were able to get the clients important information and easy access to remind them to make an appointment with link included.

We developed our own templates through other software and have been able to send out quality email marketing campaigns to maintain engagement with minimal effort on our end after the initial set up.

We did the same type of campaign with all events we attend and get lists.

Highly recommend for any small business without extensive marketing teams. It probably works well with those as well, but I do not know what those companies look like!


Great tips on managing your business with a small staff. Thanks for sharing!

This is such a great example of maximizing impact with a lean team!