High CR due to virus protection

Hi everyone,

Has anyone experienced high CR due to virus protection which occurs with business email accounts? I’ve been using AC for over a year and targeting duplicate contacts. However, recently, I’ve noticed CR performance is far from realistic, and it’s like that for the most recent campaigns. AC team has told me they can’t help with it. I would appreciate someone else’s opinion on this and how to avoid it. Thanks!


We just sent out our monthly newsletter and noticed uncharacteristically high CTR on all our content. Can AC explain this? If we can’t trust CTR due to virus protection what data can we trust?

Yes, we’ve seen this in the past couple of weeks, it’s been really concerning.
Please keep me posted if you’ve found any solutions or explanations to it.
Honestly this is making us want to leave AC.


Hey there! Sorry we missed this when it was originally published, but in the spirit of providing insight on this question, I’ll be happy to take a look!

As of right now, this shouldn’t be a current global issue. That said, whenever you see unusual contact report ideas, feel free to contact us so we can pull out a few examples and find the best option for you.

Keeps us posted if anything comes up along the way!