Hi Im Sparks

Nice place ya got here …
Im Sparks, brand new to this level of email marketing. I am building a site and seem to be at a place where I need to take care of the trickle of lead conversions from the increased traffic of late. It seems to be a next step, but one I know very little to nothing about

To say Im a tad overwhelmed is an understatement. So I will start reading when time permits and try not to ask questions which are too stupid.

But I do have one question … after watching
Automation Start Triggers; An extremely helpful video

Kelly came down to the last trigger which was no trigger. So how do I manually trigger? The video used the words, “put the segment or list in” to start, but I do not know what that means and I can not find anything in my searches.

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Welcome! Happy you’re here. This is exactly the kind of post this community is meant for.

So, “no trigger” automations can actually be started two ways:

  1. Manually - You search for the users you want to add and then use the Bulk Editor to add them to the automation. Here’s a quick video showing how to access the Advanced Search feature and drop contacts into an automation with the bulk edit.
  2. Started by another automation - There is a “Start other automation” action that you can drop into an automation so that one workflow triggers another.

Let me know if you have any questions about this.

EDIT: Also, let us know if we can help with this:

We’ve got some really smart and experienced people in this community who can help guide you as you build all this out. Consider us all at your disposal.

Wow … THANKS!!
I have a ton of questions but will go through the 101 topic first.
Thanks again

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