Hi I'm David, a Conversion Rate Optimization Consultant from the UK

Born in New Zealand, I moved to the UK back in 1999. I’ve being doing this web thing since 1997. I specialize in CRO, copywriting, landing pages and email marketing.

I’ve been playing with marketing automation for years and even developed my own software in the beginning, but I only discovered ActiveCampaign a year ago and think it’s an amazing piece of software that’s been continuously improved.

I moved over from Customer.io as I got tired of having to code everything. I love how quick and easy it is to set up automations with ActiveCampaign. In business, money loves speed!

~ David

Welcome David, hope you’ll be become an active community member. if you have any questions for us, please fire away.

Welcome David - @nervecentral!

What are you most excited about in regards to your switch to ActiveCampaign? What have you been working on recently?


Thanks Sharry. So what’s BusinessHub all about? Are you reselling ActiveCampaign?

Thanks for the welcome Ted! my next task with ActiveCampaign is to completely revamp my onboarding process for new leads and automate as much as possible with ActiveCampaign.

I have a guest post on Convert.com coming out soon that talks about this, and of course I recommend ActiveCampaign. Will let you know when it’s live.

Do you allow guest posts on the ActiveCampaign blog?


Hi there, its still in development but we are building tools on top of AC. Yep, we are a reseller too.

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Interesting … what type of tools are you developing if you don’t mind me asking.

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Custom dashboard & NPS module to begin with :smile:

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My pleasure - you’re in great company!

Your plans sound awesome, what are you thinking of using in regards to your “stack” to accomplish this?

I look forward to seeing your post - please do let me know!

At this time, we don’t allow guest blog posts, but if that changes, I’ll be in touch.

Hi Ted,

The post is live at http://blog.convert.com/ecommerce-conversion-optimization-101.html


Awesome article David -

I’m going to need a week to digest it. Learnt a heap. GR8 guns I even had to share in a couple of places :wink:

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Thanks @ratedbytony

I just realised I linked to the wrong article as my latest article for Convert.com that mentions ActiveCampaign has not been published yet.

I’ll let you know when it’s published, and in the meantime you can view my other articles at https://davidcrowther.contently.com/

~ David

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