Hi, I'm Cassie from the UK

Hi, thanks for creating such an amazing platform. LOVING AC so far (moved over from Aweber this Summer) and still getting to grips with it but can see massive potential for my business here. Great to see @stephan here (Hi Stephan, we know each other from Google+!) and look forward to being part of the community.


Welcome Cassie. From the UK too, based near Norwich.

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Hi Cassie @mmspark! You’re most welcome to our community!

So many wonderful things in your post - very excited to see our first outside connection made within our community! Also, that you’re loving(!) ActiveCampaign. @Brian and I are here to help you get past the “getting to grips” and make you into an ActiveCampaigner!

What are you excited about? What are you working on?

Hi Cassie! Great to see you over here. If you need anything AC related feel free to reach out. Been a very long time customer :wink:

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