Hi everyone I'm Sergio

Hello everybody!
My name is Sergio and I’m reponsible (and only member!) of the IT Department of a Spanish retail stores chain. We are using another service for our newsletter list and after hearing / reading about Active Campaign I think we are ready to make the change.
I’m jack of all trades in my company about anything related with computers. You name it: Prestashop, MySQL, Apache, Crystal reports, Oracle, PHP, Perl and automation in general.


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Welcome Sergio!

Also, thanks for sharing the Prestashop tip in another thread. People like you make this an awesome community.

Please let us know if there’s anything we can do to help as you make the transition. I know there’s a bit of relearning that has to take place as you wrap your head around the differences between two platforms.

I’m curious, what was it that attracted you to AC? What made you decide to make the switch?

Hi Brian

I haven’t yet done the full switch with my company list but i’m studying it very seriously. The main reason is Marketing Automation. Nowadays we just send our newsletter and forget about it. No segmentation, no abandoned cart email, no followup… Nothing!
As far as i’ve seen Active Campaing would help us a lot !

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Gotcha, with your coding skills you could do a lot of cool stuff with the API and Event Tracking. Good luck making the case to the higher ups. Let me know if there’s anything we can do to help.