Google Helpful Content Update

My site seems to have recently gotten hit by Google’s helpful content update in September. We noticed a 10-15% drop in traffic, and as a result a drop in email subscribers in the last month. From about 1500 subscribers to 1200/mo.

You can read more about the update here - it was something I didn’t know about until I asked some SEO friends: What it (likely) takes to recover following a September 2023 helpful content update drop - Marie Haynes

We are working on updating content, noindexing suspect content until we can update it, and being HYPER conscious of what we publish going forward.

Wondering if anyone else noticed a drop in subscribers recently and if you’ve attributed it to google’s update. What are you doing to resolve? Has anyone successfully recovered? Apparently there have been many updates over the last 18 months - this was the first one to impact us.

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Hey there! Sorry we missed this when it was originally published, but in the spirit of providing insight on this question, I’ll be happy to take a look!

As of right now, this shouldn’t be a current issue to worry about. We’ve recently had some more updates from both Gmail and Yahoo that will allow you to authenticate your domain to build a good sender reputation with time. Once you set up your sending domain within your account, you should be all set to be compliant with those recent updates. To learn more about this process, click HERE.

That said, if you experience any unusual activity for a period of time or specific campaigns, feel free to contact us so we can review it together!