Get Started with AC for Ecommerce

Hey AC Ecommerce Community!
To help you get the most out of ActiveCampaign, we’ve compiled a list of must-have resources that you’ll want to bookmark. Whether you’re looking to optimize your campaigns, find new ways to integrate with other tools, or stay up-to-date with the latest features, these resources have got you covered!

Your AC Dashboard: Your AC dashboard is your central hub for managing all your ActiveCampaign activities. From tracking campaign performance to managing your contacts, it’s the place where it all comes together. Bookmark your dashboard for quick and easy access every day.

Marketplace for Recipes: Looking for ways to streamline your workflows? Check out our Marketplace for Recipes! It’s packed with pre-built automation recipes designed to save you time and enhance your marketing efforts. Browse through and find the perfect solutions to fit your needs.

Apps & Integrations: Seamlessly connect ActiveCampaign with your favorite tools. Our Integrations page offers a wide variety of options to integrate with your CRM, eCommerce platform, webinar tools, social media channels, and more. Simplify your tech stack and improve your workflow by exploring our apps and integrations.

Release Notes: Stay informed about the latest updates and features. Our Release Notes page is where you’ll find detailed information on new functionalities, improvements, and bug fixes. It’s the best way to keep up with what’s new and how it can benefit you.

By bookmarking these resources, you’ll ensure you have quick access to everything you need to elevate your ActiveCampaign experience.

Happy marketing!


Great resources for sure! Thanks for sharing!

How to maximize your ecommerce strategy with ActiveCampaign!
We spoke to a number of our top ecommerce customers and here’s what they have to say about how to scale with ActiveCampaign!

Integrate Your Store: Your customer data is the foundation of your ecommerce marketing strategy. Ensure you’re building on solid ground by integrating your store with ActiveCampaign.

Use Personalization Tags: Engage customers with 1:1 messaging. Personalization is key—use your customer, store, and order data to speak directly to your customers rather than to the crowd.

Set Up Abandoned Cart Automation: Recapture lost revenue with abandoned cart automation. Is there anything better than turning potential losses into money in your pocket?

Integrate with Facebook Custom Audiences: Combine your social media ad funnel with AC to improve targeting, and ultimately drive more conversions and sales through well-coordinated campaigns.

Integrate with Google Ads/Customer Match: Build high converting branded and non-branded search ads with Customer Match to create targeting criteria with existing first-party customer data.


How to Make ActiveCampaign Work for Your Brand!
There’s a lot of opportunity when it comes to our tools, but top of mind has always been to use AC to maximize efficiency, personalize engagement, and measure success of your bottom-of-funnel initiatives!

Use Automations to save time
Set it and forget it! Invest time in setting up powerful automations that handle the heavy lifting for you. This will free up your time to focus on other critical aspects of your business.

Use Campaigns and Personalization Tags to personalize messaging
Leverage your customers’ data in email campaigns to deliver true 1:1 engagement. Personalization tags ensure you provide the right message at the right time, enhancing the customer experience.

Use Segmentation and Contact Tagging to enrich data
Make your data work harder for you. Use automations to add contact tags, identify purchasing patterns, establish customer journeys, and measure the effectiveness of your customer experience.

Use Marketing Revenue Report & Ecommerce Dashboard for reporting
Measure the success of your marketing efforts and quantify the impact of ActiveCampaign with detailed reports and dashboards. See how your campaigns contribute to your marketing revenue.

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How to Define Your Ecommerce Marketing Strategy
Before you get started with building out your automations and email campaigns in ActiveCampaign, think about your marketing strategy. By tailoring your ecommerce marketing strategy to the nature of your products and the specifics of your target audience, you can drive more effective engagements and achieve better results.

Selling Expensive Products? – Long Customer Journey
Strategy: Selling high-priced merchandise often involves a longer consideration period for customers. To nurture these prospective customers effectively, maintain regular touchpoints throughout their journey. Offer valuable content, personalized recommendations, and consistent follow-ups to guide them towards conversion.
Key Features: Product Catalog and Coupon Block

Selling Cheaper Products like Consumables? – Long Customer Journey
Strategy: For low-cost items, focus on mastering the end-to-end journey with an emphasis on seamless fulfillment. Ensure that the purchase process is quick and interruption-free, so customers complete the cycle smoothly and are ready to return for more. Optimize your supply chain and customer service to enhance repeat purchases.
Key Features: Abandoned Cart Automation and Coupon Block

Aiming for Higher Value Sales with Cross-Selling or Upselling? – High Average Order Value (AOV) Brand
Strategy: Leverage customer, order, and product data to understand purchasing behaviors. Use this insight to recommend relevant products, encouraging customers to add more items to their carts. Highlight your store’s best merchandise and create tailored promotions to drive higher value sales.
Key Features: Product Catalog, Abandoned Cart Automation, Coupon Block

Running a Subscription-Based Business or Capturing Recurring Payments?
Strategy: To protect your recurring revenue from churn and lost interest, engage customers consistently. Focus on key moments such as fulfillment and renewal events. Provide timely reminders, exclusive offers, and exceptional customer service to keep subscribers satisfied and committed.
Key Features: Recurring Payments, Coupon Block, Order Status

Selling Direct-to-Consumer and Building a Wholesale Channel?
Strategy: Develop a dual marketing strategy that speaks directly to both individual consumers and business customers. Customize your messaging and offers to suit each audience, maximizing your return on investment. For wholesale customers, highlight bulk purchase benefits and dedicated support, while for direct consumers, emphasize personalized experiences and exclusive deals.
Key Features: Order Status, CRM

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