Get contact membership for a specific list, not all lists

We’ve discovered that{id}/contactLists will retrieve all memberships for a contact.

Is there a query which can get the membership of 1 specific list for a contact?

I tried adding a filter to the query, e.g.{id}/contactLists?filters[list]=1 though this didn’t seem to work.

Thank you

The /contacts api endpoint will provide exactly what you need. Here are some params that you can pass to /contacts (there are many more parameters available):

  • ids (the Contact ID)
  • listid (the List ID)
  • status (their subscription status)

Example 1:

Make a GET call to: https://{{yourAccountName}}

…returns all contacts with the id of 14 subscribed to List with id 2 and a subscription status of 2

Example 2:

A GET call to: https://{{yourAccountName}}

…returns all contacts in list id 2
Here’s what those status codes mean