Geographic contacts - thoughts on deleting them?

Hey guys,

So, I know the “money is in the list”. But I believe that if the list is targeted enough, even a small list will deliver sales. In alignment with that thought, I was thinking it would be ok for me to delete contacts that are not in my geographical zone.

For example, if I’m sourcing sales from Canada, but the list has been getting signups from USA, Britain, etc which I know won’t benefit me in any way revenue wise - I would delete those contacts.

Please let me know what you think about this. :slight_smile:

Hey Mark!

Interesting discussion.

I’d be hesitant to delete them but I’d definitely move them out into their own list and then see what happens with them over time. Does their geographical zone change (did they sign up on vacation?) or are they permanently outside your zone and only ended up on your list by accident?

I guess what I’m saying is I’d be hesitant to delete until I’ve confirmed that these contacts will not ever convert. It would be a shame if their geolocation was set on a fluke.

I’d also consider the benefit of marketing to them simply for the word of mouth effect. It doesn’t cost you much to send to them unless these contacts are bumping your plan up. The more people who know what you do, the better.

If you find these contacts aren’t as engaged, that’s a whole different story — I’d definitely delete them.


Makes total sense @Brian! Thanks for sharing your thoughts :slight_smile: - especially your take on cost.

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@mham can you find someone who sells what you sell in all these other geos and sell them your leads? Or structure a commission / revenue split offer with them and market their offer to this segment of contacts?

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That’s actually a great idea @bizleverage. However, these are more of lead nurturing leads that are still in the awareness stages. So not sure if they’re “buy” worthy.

I’ll definitely explore this option!

Hey all,

Biannca here from our CX team. I wanted to add on top of Brian’s post.

The geolocation (under the profile) comes from the geolocation data we get when contacts interact with your communication. This location is roughly based on the contact’s IP address, which is not always reliable (due to privacy settings, use of a VPN, etc).

If you want to collect and store accurate information about a contact’s location, it is best to create custom fields for locations and have the contacts fill out a form so you can gather that data. From there you can get the “true” location of your contacts and segment them from there onwards.

Please don’t hesitate to reply back out or email us at if you have any further questions.