Email out to customers

Morning all

We are an ecommerce business retailing out our own brand of 12volt garden lighting
We use AC for for sending out 3 emails
On purchase
3 days after
3 weeks after

We are updating our prices and want to send out an email to all customers regarding this so we can give them notice

But this will be triggered by us and not a purchase

How can I do this and can you give any more help and advice on how we can use AC to promote our business

Sorry for Newbie question

MD NiteLux Ltd

Hi Paul, welcome to ActiveCampaign Community.

Take note, best practice is to segment your Email communications and avoid to send to everybody at the same time.

So, you can create a Campaign for give your customers notice about updated prices. To segment this campaign, go to Contacts >> Search Contacts >> Advanced Search.
In “Advanced Search” you can search by conditions, for example “Ecommerce >> Product Name in any order = XXXX” this way you can send a custom Campaign for customers that purchased XXXX product and notice them about new prices related that product.

Take note, you can “save as segment” an advanced Search, so you can later send specific campaign to that “segment”.


Raul Abad

Hi @nitelux2020

Segments are the feature to use to send a Campaign email to a bunch of contacts who meet conditions you choose - eg all previous customers.

Blog here with help

I think you’d get a lot from a freebie training I offer - Accelerated ActiveCampaign - to get you started on the big easy wins in AC. Includes a step by step on using Segments.

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