Do Campaigns Based on RSS Send If Post Updates?

The help team at AC told me that an RSS based email campaign will email out on any Wordpress post update and saw this mentioned on an old post. Anyone with experience on this know if this is indeed true? I just can’t imagine it would be true as I don’t think many people would want emails sent out if just changing a few words on a post. Thanks

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Hey! Sorry we missed this when it was originally published, but in the spirit of providing insight on this question, I’ll be happy to take a look!

When it comes to RSS, how it works by setting up an automated or regular campaign to send when there is a new post in your RSS feed, and that is linked to your RSS feed URL. So, you’ll need to enter the URL, set how many new posts will be displayed in your email, and which items from your post(s) will be displayed. Meaning that is more controlled, rather than just sending emails to your contacts after every update. If you believe this might be a good fit for you, and would like to learn more about this feature, click HERE.

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