Day 9 | Let's talk LEADS!

As you’ve seen from the challenge so far, we’re all about getting results here. We want you to see more opens, more clicks, more engagement, and more leads!

And to help you accomplish this, we’re going to talk landing pages.

When you build relevant landing pages, you can capture more leads and grow your audience.

4 common landing page use cases that are helpful for growing businesses include:

  1. Paid ads
  2. Lead magnets
  3. Event sign-ups
  4. Special offers and promotions

By sending a perfectly timed email, using Facebook ads to stay top of mind, or following up with a personalized note or phone call, you can nurture those leads and continue to deliver those relevant experiences to those contacts after they convert on your page.

We’ve found that keeping it simple tends to work best. If you want to build a high-converting landing page:

  • Stick to one offer.
  • Create an engaging and relevant headline.
  • Highlight your features and benefits– and emphasize the benefits.
  • Give people social proof.

Try to implement these tips into your Task of the Day.

:triangular_flag_on_post: This one might take you more than 5 minutes, so feel free to come back to it later to refine the design.

Day 9 - Task of the Day:

Start the workings of a new landing page:

  1. Navigate to the Pages section and click “Add a new page.”
  2. Select a template or start from scratch, and customize your design. Be sure to include a form to collect those leads!
  3. Add site tracking & analytics code.
  4. Publish and watch the leads roll in! :rocket: