Day 6 | Design with Intention

We’ve talked about a lot of planning so far, but now that offers and timing has been settled, let’s get to the fun part: design. :art: :paintbrush:

Here are 3 tips to consider when designing your email campaigns.

:one: Think about your brand colors.

Not to state the obvious, but it is Black Friday, not Mauve Monday or Taupe Tuesday. Incorporating black into your email while staying true to your brand, is often a good strategy to stay on theme.

This is also a good chance to try out our AI Brand Kit! You can import colors, fonts, and logos from your website to generate on-brand email templates, content, and images for a cohesive BFCM campaign and beyond.

:two: Animated GIFs in email increase CTR by 26%.

Since Black Friday and Cyber Monday are the biggest days of the year for email marketing, there’s no better time to use a GIF in your campaign. A Black Friday GIF adds visual interest to an email in a way that static email designs don’t.

:three: Design for mobile in mind.

4 out of 5 people check their phones within 15 minutes of waking up, and the first thing most of those people look at is their email. If you’re not optimized for mobile, your Black Friday email campaigns won’t be a success (and neither will your sale).

Since mobile-friendly design has such a big impact, we’ll focus on that for today’s task of the day!

Day 6 - Task of the Day:

Design attractive and mobile-friendly email templates!

  1. Use the “Enable mobile responsiveness” setting

This setting is automatically enabled for every campaign and automation email you create and can be manually turned off.

To ensure this setting is on, click the gear icon on the top right of the email designer. The campaign settings modal will open. If “Enable mobile responsiveness” is off, click the toggle to turn it on.


:triangular_flag_on_post: Note that most older versions of the Samsung native email app do not support responsive rendering for mobile.

  1. Keep your email width to no more than 650 pixels. (Image width should be from 400 to 650 pixels).

To see how large your image is with the Email Designer launched in 2022, click the image in the designer and view the size in the Image Block options to the right:

To see how large your image is with the Classic email designer, click the image in the designer and view the size in the Options tab:


Remember, it’s always better to scale a larger image down than a smaller one up.

  1. Experiment with preheader text.

  2. Ensure all links and CTA buttons are functional and trackable. (tease office hours for the middle)

  3. Test your email.

Use the Desktop preview and send yourself and your colleagues a test email to view on different mobile devices. You can also use our compatibility preview feature to test your email with various email clients.

:star: For more on AI Brand Kit, see our overview below!