Day 4 | Map it out for the most opportunity!

“Good fortune is what happens when opportunity meets with planning.” — Thomas Edison

Well, the opportunity is clear: In 2023, it was reported that $38 billion was spent in online sales for Cyber Week.

Now, let’s make the plan clear, with a content calendar! :spiral_calendar:

A content calendar is a game-changer for planning your Black Friday campaigns. It keeps everything organized and ensures you’ve got a clear plan for all your posts, emails, and ads.

With everything mapped out, you can avoid last-minute chaos and make sure your message stays consistent across all your channels.

It’s especially important for timing— knowing exactly when to drop your promotions can really boost their impact.

Start your planning with Today’s Task of the Day.

Day 4 - Task of the Day:

Create a content calendar! This can be done on paper, using a Google Doc/Sheet, or whatever other method that you prefer. The idea is to map out your promotions for the most opportunity!

Be sure to include your pre-sale teasers, the main event, and post-sale follow-ups for each segment you target from Day 3. Consider also setting up exclusive early access for high value customers (one-day campaigns).

Let us know if you have any questions in the comments below!