Day 4 | Design eye-catching visuals with AI

Alright, let’s talk visuals. You’ve got the words down for your email campaign, but now you need those visuals to stop people in their tracks and actually make them click.

Cue: AI images in ActiveCampaign— your new design sidekick. :sparkles:

The AI image generator is located in the Content Manager and can also be accessed while you are creating an Email Designer campaign.

  1. From the Content Manager, click the “Generate image” button.

  2. Type in a detailed prompt describing your desired image, including subjects, colors, themes, and patterns, in the “Generate a new image” modal.

Remember! The more specific you can describe your image, the better AI can generate it.

Example: Create an image that shows an online instructor in a home office speaking into a webcam with a laptop and education materials.

  1. Choose the image style (i.e., “Cinematic,” “Digital Art”) in the dropdown on the bottom right.

  2. Click the “Generate an image” button.

  3. If you are not satisfied with the AI image, click “Retry with a new prompt” and repeat steps 3-5.

  4. Once you are satisfied with the AI image, click the “Save this image” button.

  5. Your AI image(s) will be saved in your Content Manager in the “AI Generated” folder.

You don’t need to be a graphic designer to create jaw-dropping images.

ActiveCampaign AI can help you whip up stunning visuals that align with your brand, grab attention, and make your emails pop, all in a fraction of the time.

Day 4 - Task of the Day

If you need just the right image to complement your message, give this feature a try inside of your ActiveCampaign account.

Here are the two ways to access the Content Manager:

Option 1: Directly open the Content Manager

  1. Click Campaigns on the left menu.
  2. Click the Content option on the left of your screen.

Option 2: From the Email Designer

  1. Open the direct or automated campaign you want to modify.
  2. Go to the email designer.
  3. Drag the “Image” block to your campaign layout.
  4. Click the “Image” block. The Campaign Manager modal will open.

Bonus video if you want to see it in action! :point_down: