Day 3 | Use behavioral personalization

It’s not enough to open your doors on Black Friday and expect your customers to fight over discounted items. Nowadays, consumers expect businesses to fight over their attention and attract their business with personalized offers and meaningful campaigns.

You can implement this with customer segmentation. Make the extra effort to tag loyal customers based on their purchase history and use conditional content to personalize product recommendations.

Today’s Task of the Day will walk you through segmentation ideas specific to Black Friday and Cyber Monday (BFCM) using ActiveCampaign. Comment below with which ones you plan on trying out this Q4.

Day 3 - Task of the Day:

Create segments to maximize the effectiveness of your BFCM campaigns:

:small_blue_diamond: High value customers: Offer exclusive early access to sales or higher discounts to reward loyalty to customers who have spent above a certain threshold.

  • Total Revenue [greater than or equal to] XX

:small_blue_diamond: Recent buyers: Encourage repeat purchases with product suggestions and special offers to customers who have made a purchase within the last 30-90 days.

  • Create a campaign and use the Product Catalog block to drop in products and Coupon block to populate a promotion code.
  • Order date [is on or after] Aug 1

:small_blue_diamond: Inactive customers: Reactivate them with enticing discounts or personalized product recommendations to customers who haven’t made a purchase in the last 6 months or more.

  • Create a campaign and use the Product Catalog block to drop in products and Coupon block to populate a promotion code.
  • Last order date [is before] April 1, 2024

:small_blue_diamond: Email Engagers: Nudge them towards making a purchase with targeted offers to subscribers who frequently open and click your emails but haven’t purchased.

  • Has clicked on a clink [any email] [any link] [in the last] [30] [days] AND
  • Total order [less than or equal to 0]

:small_blue_diamond: Referral Program Participants: Send targeted promotions featuring products from those categories to customers who have shown interest in specific product categories based on browsing history.

  • Contacts > Manage Fields > add field > Field name Referral Program and fill out the rest
  • Contact details > Referral Program [is] yes

:small_blue_diamond: First-time buyers: Encourage a second purchase with a special discount or bundle offer to customers who have only made one purchase.

  • [total orders] is [one]

:small_blue_diamond: VIP Customers: Offer exclusive VIP perks, early access to sales, or additional discounts to the top 10-20% of customers based on purchase frequency and amount.

:small_blue_diamond: Social Media Engagers: Integrate social proof and user-generated content into your email campaigns for this segment to customers who frequently engage with your brand on social media. [facebook custom audience]

:small_blue_diamond: Newsletter Subscribers: Convert them with special offers and limited-time deals to subscribers to your regular newsletters who haven’t purchased yet.

  • is subscribed to list (active) all of [newsletter list name]