Day 3 | Personalize, personalize, personalize!

You can create highly personalized emails using email tags and custom fields. :ticket:

By leveraging customer behavior, demographics, and interests, these tools make each email feel more personal.

With ActiveCampaign, you can send out thousands of personalized emails without manually editing each one, and tailor your messaging without creating multiple versions.

Be sure to take advantage of these features, as tags and custom fields enable precise segmentation of your email list, allowing you to send targeted campaigns to specific groups. And, emails that use personalization tags tend to have higher open and click-through rates. :white_check_mark:

First, let’s learn the difference between tags and custom fields:

  • Tags are more flexible, while custom fields are structured to store specific data points about your contact.
  • Tags can be added or removed frequently based on actions and behaviors, where custom fields provide consistent, detailed data for personalization and segmentation.

Use tags to label actions, behavior, interest, engagement, or status.
Use custom fields for subscriber information such as product/company name, email, order #, birthdates, frequency of purchase, currency, etc.

:bulb: There’s a mini quiz within Contacts under Tags. Before you add a tag you can take the quiz to understand whether or not it should be a tag before adding.

There are a few ways you can add a tag.

For this challenge, we’ll begin by creating a form action. In this way, whenever anyone fills out your form, it will automatically apply the tags and custom fields that you capture and store in your contacts. You can then use it for personalization and segmentation in emails to boost engagement. :rocket:

Day 2 - Task of the Day:

  1. Go to Website > Forms in the main menu.
  2. Click on Create new form to begin.
  3. Add the custom fields you want to capture on your form.
  4. In the forms setting, go to the options tab in the top right corner. Under “Form Action” select “Add an action” and “Add a tag.” Choose the tag you want to assign to the contacts who fill out your form.
    For example: If this form is a sign up for your monthly newsletter, you can add a tag as “monthly newsletter.” Anyone who fills out this form will then have that tag automatically applied.
  5. Save and embed the form on your website in order to start capturing.

:bulb: If you don’t have a new form to create, you can also edit an existing one following these same steps.

Happy Personalizing!