Thank you for sticking with us these 21 days! We hope you found the content useful in preparing your team for BFCM.
Here’s a helpful checklist you can print/share to run back through the items with your team: Download here.
You’ll notice at the end of this list is the “Post Black Friday Cyber Monday Follow-Up.”
You’ll have a bit of work to do Post-BFCM:
- Update Automations to remove BFCM language
- Welcome Series
- Abandon Cart
- Targeted Follow-Up
- Win-Back Series
- Thank You Emails
- Send thank you emails to customers who made a purchase.
- Gather customer insights with a survey using the Typeform Integration
- Analyze Campaign Results
- Review overall campaign performance metrics
- Compare results against your initial goals
- Identify areas for improvement for future campaigns.
- Retargeting Campaigns
- Offer post-BFCM discounts or exclusive offers
Set a calendar reminder to update these items and share your results with us!
Day 21 - Task of the Day:
- Print/send the Black Friday Cyber Monday Checklist.
- Set a calendar reminder to update the post-BFCM items Tuesday, December 3rd.
- Revisit any pending items to ensure you’re ready for the big weekend.