Did you know that automated emails get 119% more clicks than one-off campaigns?
This strength lies in the ability to deliver timely, relevant, and personalized messages consistently over time.
Automated emails are triggered based on specific actions or events (such as signing up, making a purchase, or abandoning a cart).
Automated campaigns can maintain a consistent communication flow without manual intervention.
And, automated emails save time and effort once they are set up, allowing you to focus on crafting more effective content and strategies.
So let’s send more automated emails, shall we?
Our new AI campaign follow up allows marketers to trigger an instant automation after a campaign is sent. Let’s walk through it in today’s Task of the Day.
Day 19 - Task of the Day:
- Start with creating a campaign to send.
- Once you’ve hit send, you will encounter a new AI Campaign follow up screen that will allow you to kick off a follow up automation and an email effortlessly.
- Enter a prompt and it will create a simple automation and let AI create the initial version of the follow up email:
- Open event trigger based on the sent campaign
- Wait block (3 days)
- AI generated follow-up email action