Day 18 | Score BIG with Contact Scoring

Are you scoring your contacts? :eyes:

Contact scoring is one of two types of lead scores that you can create in your ActiveCampaign account and is used to evaluate and prioritize the quality of your leads.

In a nutshell, it boosts efficiency, engagement, and conversion rates by focusing efforts where they matter most. :star2:

One of the most popular uses of scoring is to optimize your sales process so that your sales team is always focused on the highest quality leads. :goal_net:

You set up a contact score to qualify your leads by assigning a numerical value, comprised of one or more rules that award (or subtract) points from contacts if they meet your conditions.

For example, if you have created a rule that assigns 10 points if a contact is in your metropolitan area and another rule that assigns 10 points if a contact has viewed your pricing information, a contact that matches both rules would have a score of 20 points— double the interest and potential! :rocket:

Let’s do this together in today’s Task of the Day.

Day 18 - Task of the Day:

Create a contact score:

  1. Click Contacts > Scoring on the left menu.

  2. Click the “Add New Score” button.

  3. A modal window will appear and ask you which type of lead score to create. Click the “Contact score” option.

  4. Give your score a descriptive name by typing it in the field provided. You’ll also want to provide a description of the score in the description field.

  5. Click the “Add New Rule” link to add a rule to this score.

  6. The segment builder will open. Click the left-most field to display a dropdown of categories you can use to create the conditions that distribute points. For example, you may want to create a rule that gives the contact 10 points if they click on any link in any campaign. You can add additional conditions to your score by clicking “Add another condition.”

  7. Once you have set the conditions, click the “Save” button.