Day 17 | Powerful integrations to increase your conversion rates!

Top of funnel ads are typically run by businesses aiming to reach a broad audience and introduce them to their brand or product.

Casting a wide net to capture that kind of attention, can be tricky though, especially in terms of conversion.

Those potential customers may not yet be aware of your brand or its offerings enough to convert right off the bat!

Fortunately, we’re sharing two powerful integrations that can help! Increase your conversion rates and refine your audience target with today’s Task of the Day.

Day 17 - Task of the Day:

Combine your social media ad funnel with ActiveCampaign’s automations to manage leads more efficiently and ensure your ads are always targeted at the right audience. Follow the instructions below ffor Google Customer Match and/or Facebook Custom Audience.

Connect Google Customer Match with ActiveCampaign.
With this integration, you can use Customer Match and ActiveCampaign in your automation workflows to perform outbound updates and retarget your customers using your Google ads.

This integration feature does not add tags to contact records for this option.

With this option, you can connect your Google Ads account to ActiveCampaign with the following automation actions:

  • “Google Ads - Add Contact to List” - This lets you create a new customer list in Google Ads or add contacts to an existing customer list
  • “Google Ads - Remove Contact from List” - This lets you remove contacts from customer lists in Google Ads

Connect Facebook Custom Audience with ActiveCampaign

  1. From your ActiveCampaign account, click Settings (gear icon), then click Integrations.
  2. Click the “Add Integration” button.
  3. A modal window will appear. Click “Connect” for the Facebook option.
  4. A new window or tab will open.
  • Log into your Facebook account and follow the authorization prompts
  • When finished, click the “OK” button
  1. We will redirect you back to your ActiveCampaign account.
  2. A modal window will appear.
  • Click the “Select an account” dropdown and click the Facebook Ads account you want to connect
  • Click the “Finish” button