Day 16 | Find and Install Recipes

We may not be chefs, but we have been cooking up some recipes!

Automation recipes that is…

We have hundreds of automation recipes, or in other words: templates, that our team of experts strategically put together, so that you have a good starting point!

You can import any template into your account and customize it to suit your needs. For example, you may want to build out more actions or conditions that work for your business. The automation recipes are stepping stones that you can use to get started.

Automation recipes include:

  • Automation framework
    All the steps will be laid out in the same way as the source recipe.
  • Campaigns (automation emails)
    Any designed campaigns will transfer over the design and copy to your account. You can change any element of the campaign including the removal of all design choices.
  • Automation logic
    Each automation has its own logic and workflow. When you import an automation, this logic will be copied over to your account. Examples of this can include timed wait steps and conditional wait steps. The Automation Import Wizard will also walk you through a series of steps to update the imported automation so that it references lists, segments, email names, tags, forms, and events that apply specifically to your account.

All automation recipes created by ActiveCampaign are located in your ActiveCampaign account.

To view them, navigate to the Automations Overview page and click the “Create new automation” button.

A modal with all ActiveCampaign recipes will appear. From here, you can scroll through recipes and find the one you want to use. You can also type keywords to narrow your search or browse recipes by category.

In addition, all recipes created by ActiveCampaign and our customers are located in the ActiveCampaign Marketplace.

:warning: Note: The ActiveCampaign Marketplace features automation recipes created by ActiveCampaign and from ActiveCampaign customers. Some automation recipes created by customers are free while others can be purchased directly from the creator for a fee. This fee is set by the customer who created the recipe.

Day 16 - Task of the Day:

Import the Last Engaged Date recipe from the ActiveCampaign Marketplace.

With the Contact Last Engaged Date automation recipe you can see the last time a contact engaged with your emails.

  1. Visit the ActiveCampaign Marketplace and search for the recipe you wish to use.
  2. Click the recipe name. This will bring you to a page where you can read more information about the recipe.
  3. Click the “Login to import recipe” button.

A modal will open. Here you can log into your ActiveCampaign Marketplace account with your ActiveCampaign account credentials.

After you provide your login credentials, the recipe will be added to your ActiveCampaign account. The recipe page will reload and a confirmation message will appear.

Here you can close the modal by clicking the “X” in the top right corner or you can view the automation recipe in your account by clicking the “Go to your automations” button.


Clicking on the automation from the “Create an automation” modal will open the Automation Import Wizard. This wizard will walk you through each step needed to customize the automation for your account.

Once you are done with inputting the information needed via the import wizard, you will be able to access the automation. The automation is yours to further customize and make it fit your business!