Day 16 | Design for success

A great email design isn’t just pretty. It influences the audience to take the action you want.

Generally, great emails are skimmable, branded, and include a clear call to action. Including engaging images and interactive elements can also help your message stand out.

Here are a few tips to improve your design and boost your email engagement!

  • Use responsive design: Your marketing emails should be readable and engaging, whether the recipient uses a laptop, smartphone, or tablet.

  • Create skimmable emails: Use headers and bullet points instead of long paragraphs to make your emails more skimmable. Use images, videos, and other elements to communicate visually.

  • Brand your emails: Your email design should fit your overall brand beyond the header. Use your brand colors and fonts so, your readers can move on from “who is this” to the actual purpose of the email.

  • Personalize email content: Try adding the contact’s first name to the subject line or salutation, or more advanced personalization like geographical location.

  • Dynamic content: Automatically include images and other content based on a contact’s interests or past behavior.

  • Learn with A/B testing: Split your audience into two groups and decipher. Does a blue or green CTA button get more clicks? Does your audience prefer direct, informative subject lines or intriguing questions?

Day 16 - Task of the Day:

Spend 5 minutes reviewing your lowest performing campaigns. See if there is something you can do to improve the design based on today’s tips. ActiveCampaign has a library of more than 250 templates for common emails newsletters, events, promotional, and holiday messages. Try something new, and test it against the existing automation!