Day 12 | There's nothing like 1:1 attention

In a world where automated messages are the norm, nothing beats the personal touch of one-on-one attention. :sparkles:

Personalized interactions not only foster trust and loyalty but also ensure that each customer’s unique needs are understood and addressed with care.

After all, getting an email from “Bob” feels a lot more personal than “” right?

If you haven’t yet elevated your email marketing strategy to include 1:1 emails, today is the day! Strengthen your pipeline and nurture stronger relationship with this clever approach.

Unlike mass marketing emails, which are ideal for creating widespread brand awareness, 1:1 emails focus on individualized messages crafted for specific recipients, facilitating direct communication and prompt responses.

Better yet, you can still automate these emails, so no loss in time or efficiency at scale. Let’s walk through it together in today’s Task of the Day.

Day 12 - Task of the Day:

  1. Connect or reconnect your email account to the Deals CRM.
  2. Set a preferred email account. This is the default “From” email address that appears on all automated 1:1 emails.
  3. Click the “Automations” tab on the left menu and create or select the automation you want to use.
  4. Click either the CRM section or the Sending Options section on the right sidebar to expand it.
  5. Drag the “Send a 1:1 email” action to your automation.
  6. Add “From Email” address, Title of email, and a subject line
  7. Writing your message or us AI to generate a first draft (click sparkle icon)
  8. Click the “Add” button.

Any questions? Let us know below so we can help you create personalized one-to-one experiences that stand out! :star_struck: