Day 12 | Campaign Design MATTERS

In the Back to School Challenge, you’ve so far learned that…

  1. There are 6 types of campaigns: Standard, Automated, Auto Responder, Split Testing, RSS Triggered, and Date Based.


  1. For the best campaign results, set goals, segment your audience, personalize and automate, and use clever subject lines.

Now we move on to Part 3… DESIGN.

With ActiveCampaign, you can create beautifully-designed and effective templates for direct and automated campaigns. Doing so helps you maintain email consistency, establish brand recognition with your contacts, and save time.

But it goes a step further. Good design also helps you make a positive impression, engage your reader, and highlight your CTA (call-to-action) effectively.

Good design can be the difference between making a sale or not!

Fortunately, our campaign template library contains 25+ pre-designed template options to get you started. And even more fortunate, we’ll hold your hand through customizing these templates to match your brand’s style and goals. (Peep today’s Task of the Day! :eyes:)

Take some time to explore and personalize a few custom email templates to use as you send emails.

As you edit these templates, think about what kind of impression you are making to your reader.

  • Is the layout clean and easy to navigate?
  • Does the email look good on all devices?
  • Are there any elements that might confuse or frustrate the reader?
  • Is the design optimized to encourage the desired response?

These questions will help ensure your email makes a positive and effective impression.

Day 12 - Task of the Day:

Start the Design a Beautiful Campaign Course.

The Course Curriculum includes:

Let us know what you new tips you pick up from the course so that all in the Community can benefit from each other’s learnings!