Day 10 | Divide, Conquer, Convert!

Split testing is an effective method to not just get more sales but also learn crucial insights about your audience.

With ActiveCampaign, you can split test different marketing automation flows and emails to create the optimal experience for every person.

Split testing benefits: More sales/leads, better user engagement, better overall user experience, lower bounce rate, longer dwell time, and lower risk

Use it as a tool to create a more segmented and personalized experience for every visitor.

Start by finding clear opportunities and existing weak points. Examine historical data before creating your test, looking for types of images, keywords, and promotions that have performed extra well or poorly in the past.

Some ideas for changes to test in your emails include:

  • Personalizing subject lines or email headlines
  • Testing different header images
  • Using emojis in subject lines
  • Using different templates
  • Testing HTML vs. plain text

If you’re not running at least one split test, today’s the day! Follow along in your Day 10 task of the day below.

Day 10 - Task of the Day:

Create a new campaign and select “Split Testing.”

Create a Campaign form in Activecampaigfn

Then, select whether you want to just test subject lines and from information or also email contents.

Split test form in ActiveCampaign

Next, create as many variants of the email as you want and decide how to split the audience between each variant.

You can easily switch between variants in our drag-and-drop email builder.

Email builder in AcitveCampaign

Split testing your emails is crucial to increasing your open rate and conversion rate. We can’t wait to hear about your results!