Customizing RSS Feed With Images - Wordpress

I am trying to create an RSS based email from my Wordpress site. The “stock” feed from WordPress does not include images. I would like to create a digest style email that has the title, image, short description etc. Right now the image is only included in the full article. That doesn’t work. It appears in order to get the image as a separate property in the RSS feed I need to install a WordPress plugin that manages this.

  1. Is this assumption correct?
  2. Does anyone have a plugin they recommend for this type of thing
  3. Is there a way to split the feed into multiple blocks to create this type of layout? Any examples or templates you can point me to?

Thank you,

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Hi Joe,

I spoke with a dev here and he said you’re correct in your assumption that you’ll need something on the Wordpress side to make this happen. This might be a question better posed to the Wordpress community.

I’m not aware of any WP plug-ins that do this, off hand.


I had to have my developer re-configure the feed. However, our research showed that you shouldn’t use a plugin but modify the feed natively. I don’t know what or how he did it but he was able to do it!

I wish there were more control in AC over how you used the images in the RSS feed. But… maybe in the future!

Thank you,

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Cool, glad you found a solution. Thanks for the update and suggestion on how to improve.

Hi… you can try use “Featured Images in RSS w/ Size and Position” , click here: it works with ActiveCampaign as well

Hope it helps !

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Hice los cambios en WordPress y no he logrado que Active Campaign reconozca la imágenes. También he podido verificar que no lo hace con otros feed rss que he buscado por Internet. Creo que el problema está en Active Campaign. En el feed de mi blog se puede ver claramente que las imágenes si están incluidas.
Aquí pueden ver el feed de mi blog
Necesito ayuda en este aspecto. Gracias a todos los amigos de esta comunidad

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Hey Juan! Sorry we missed this when it was originally published, but in the spirit of providing insight on this question, I’ll be happy to take a look!

Given your set-up, I believe it would be best to reach out to our support team so we can take a closer look and better assist with your specific scenario!