Creating a monthly,automated series of emails to a list

I have 12 monthly newsletters that I want to schedule to be sent on particular dates to everyone on a particular list. I need to use an existing list and I want the newsletters to go to everyone currently on the list AND all new additions to the list. How can I achieve this?

My understanding is that an automation will only apply to contacts that newly trigger it after set-up, and “campaigns” in AC are essentially just one-time emails blasts.

How are other people solving this? Is it a matter of just creating 12 different campaigns in ActiveCampaign?


I think that is the default behaviour.

Set up your list.

Set up your 12 emails to go on the prescribed dates.

Each of the 12 emails will then go to everyone on the list at that time.


Set up an automation with the 12 emails spaced to go out once per month. Use a tag to trigger the start.
Then add that tag to everyone on the list you want it to go to.
when a new contact is added to that list, also add the tag (you can do this manually or as part of the automation that adds them to your list). Then every person will go through the 12 month automation in their own time.

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Hey there! Sorry we missed this when it was originally published, but in the spirit of providing insight on this question, I’ll be happy to take a look!

Great suggestions here! I believe what you have to determine here first if you want to send kind of like the same email each month (same time each month) or different campaigns each month at specific times.

  1. If you want option A: You cab use either the “subscribes to list” or “tag is added trigger” then you set the time using a “wait until specific condition are met”, add the email block after, then wait 1 month and finally the go-to action to go back to step on “wait conditions” for next month and so on.

  2. If option B, then yes, you will need 12 email with their correspondent wait step in between for you to set the specific time you want each month. You can do either just “wait 1 moth” between each email, or set specific conditions for date/time…

Hope this helps, and keep us posted with any further questions!