Community Values

Just like you probably have your own personal values, we have values for this community space too! We want our mission and motivation as a company to help you achieve your goals and spur your growth. With that, we hold the following values close to our Activator hearts:

Getting Activated is the first step towards growth

We want our community of Activators to inspire and promote action. What makes us feel activated and motivated to achieve anything is different for everyone. Whether it’s sharing how you have grown your business with ActiveCampaign, or offering a quick tip you just learned, every piece of activation is a part of the larger growth puzzle we want all of our customers to achieve.

Empowering businesses to do more than they ever thought possible

Our platform is expansive and can achieve more than most users realize. That’s why our Activator Community is so important to empowering others with use cases and functionalities they didn’t even know were possible. We value the innovation that this group brings forward every single day.

There is always more we can learn

We would be lying if we said there is nothing more our team can learn about our platform and our customers. Our users are constantly teaching us new use cases they have used for their businesses, solutions to problems they used to have, and ideas for how to make the platform even better. In our opinion, learning, innovation, and iteration should be on a constant loop.

No questions are small questions

Whether you just signed up for ActiveCampaign today (welcome!) or have been an Activator for 20 years, this Community is for all. No question is too small (or too large for that matter) for us to figure out together. Everyone has a different level of experience, which is the beauty of this space. Our users are always ready to put their knowledge to the test.

It takes a village (or community)

Building and running a business is no small feat, so why do it alone? We define our success by how successful our customers are, and nothing brings us to celebrate more than when our collective team of Activators is thriving.