Changing from address and domain

We have a company name change and I have been sending weekly newsletters out for years using a particular from address and want to change the from address and from Domain

Looking for tips on Test practices to avoid drop offs in open rates. Would appreciate help anyone with experience in doing

I don’t know what others recommend but I’ve done something like this in the past and I’ll share what I tried to “warm up” the new domain.

I took a list > moved them over > but segmented (added a simple tag) into the best “openers”

Then I’d segment them a few at a time… maybe 100 (maybe 500… no idea what your list is like) … and send a campaign out to just those. Then give it some time (like a day, some might think I’m over the top with that)… but check the rates and move onto the next segment.

The strategy is: you’re calling on your best folks to open and help warm up that domain.

I’m not an uber-exspurt on this but I imagine that sending a “ping” type of message that encourages a few replies would also help that server get warm fuzzy feelings about your new send-from domain too. Anything to encourage some interactivity.

Some Active Campaign peeps can chime in too. I’d be eager to hear what they’d have too.

Hey DWDW and hudgemedia,

Biannca here from our CX team, sorry we missed this when it was originally published. I wanted to update this post for anyone that comes across this thread.

hudgemedia idea to “warm up the new domain” is correct if you’ve never sent the domain with ActiveCampaign.

We recommend you let your contacts know that you’ve rebranded so you can bring more awareness to your contacts. Please see this guide for points on how to bring awareness of the change to your audience.

Another thing to note is that, open rates can drop temporarily within the first 30 days because new sender’s aren’t as trusted as your existing domain - it will take at least 30 days of consistent sending to see your open rates level out. Please see this guide for more information.

Please don’t hesitate to reply back out or email us at if you have any further questions.