Can I see what PAGE a user SUBSCRIBED from?

I have a subscription form in the footer of every page of my blog.

I’m updating a page of my blog and want to see if I get more subscriptions FROM THAT PAGE. (I know, this is quite a challenge).

Perhaps there’s a way I can put a bit of .js on the page to write/append a value to the signup form.

Or maybe you’ve already thought of this.

BTW, LOVING!!! Active Campaign. I’ve tried quite a few things, including MailChimp. This BLOWS AWAY Mailchimp.


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Did you ever receive an answer to this question?

Hi bungalowsoftware,

Biannca here from our CX team, sorry we missed this when it was originally published.

In the spirit of providing insight on this question, I was thinking you can add a hidden field to each form you have on your webpage and you can append the location of your webpage in a query string so that information is then “synced” back to the contact record.

Alternatively you can add a tag action to your form (for example an ActiveCampaign form) > from there onwards any time a contact fills out the form, it tags them with the webpage.

Please don’t hesitate to reply back out if you have any further questions.