Campaigns Checklist

Last week we shared an Automations checklist to get you prepared for the new year. This week we’re gonna take a look at your campaigns.

Your first step is to gauge the performance of all your campaigns. You can do this with the Campaigns Performance report. This report allows you to view the overall performance metrics for sent campaigns. Including:

  • Amount of ecommerce revenue generated
  • Number of sends, opens, clicks, unsubscribes, and bounces
  • Open rates, click-to-open rates, click rates, unsubscribe rates, forward rates, and bounce rates

Once you know which campaigns did the best, you can turn them into templates to simplify your marketing strategy. You can also use any of your past campaigns as a template to send to contacts in your automations.

Finally, you’ll want to give your contacts a deep clean. You can do this with our Engagement Management Tool. It cleans your lists by unsubscribing unengaged contacts. Using this tool regularly will keep your lists healthy and can improve open rates over time.

Comment below with how you’re prepping your automations and campaigns for the new year!