🏆 AVAILABLE NOW: A highly requested update to automations

Coming soon: Flexible Date/ Time Conditions & New Wait Steps!

Hey everyone! It’s me, Joann from the ActiveCampaign Product Marketing team. I’m back with another update that I think you guys will love! We hear you! Thanks to your feedback and upvotes, we’re thrilled to announce some highly requested improvements in our automations is coming soon. :trophy:

:tada: What’s coming your way?

:rocket: Flexible Date/Time Conditions

Say goodbye to limitations and hello to a more flexible and streamlined setup for your conditions! You’ll soon be able to:

  • Adjust and set timezone, month, date, year, and time all in one condition.

:hourglass_flowing_sand:New Wait Steps

More flexibility + possibilities! Building on our current wait steps, which allow you to wait for a set period of time or until specific conditions are met, we’re excited to introduce two new wait steps:

  • Wait until a specific day/time
    This is good to use for precise scheduling (e.g. November 24 at 6:30 AM)
  • Wait until a custom date field matches (Until “webinar date” is 3 days away)
    Tailored for unique workflows

Rest assured: Your current automations will remain unaffected, with no interruptions to their logic. Once this is available, you can update any of your existing automations at any time to take advantage of these new options.

The Current Date/Time conditions and Wait Steps will offer greater flexibility, making your workflows smoother, faster, and more aligned with your goals.

Stay tuned for updates as we are going to roll this out to you soon. Have questions of thoughts? Or just want to share your excitement? Drop them below. :point_down:


Yay!! We’ve been waiting for this! When will this roll out?

Hi @cafo1, this will be rolling out in the upcoming week. Keep an eye out in your automations! :grinning:

Would it be possible to add a feature to the ‘wait’ step where it can be configured to wait until the next weekday to take the next step in the automation?

I find this can be helpful when creating follow up tasks for salespeople that are using the CRM functionalities.