Automation = marble run (and just as much fun)

Automations are basically marble runs - and just as much fun!

:point_right: When you want to have ActiveCampaign get stuff done on AUTOPILOT, reach for an automation.

Automations do the work for you - totally hands off so you can send emails in your sleep to the right person at the right time :ok_hand:

:one: You set the PATH, with decision points, action steps & more

Send contacts down different paths depending on what you know or what they do :placard:

:two: Triggers tell contacts exactly WHEN to start their turn down the marble run

Have ActiveCampaign keep watch for the exact right time for this exact contact to hit the marble run :eyes:

:three: PRO TIP: automations do a LOT more than just sending emails

Ding ding - ring a bell :bell:, send a Bonjoro, wait here for a bit, jump ahead three steps… you can do anything you want along the way! :raised_hands:

:point_right: Visit our blog to learn how to use ActiveCampaign automations:

#ActiveCampaignAcademy #ActiveCampaignQueen #ActiveCampaign #MarketingAutomation

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Great illustration! :sparkles:

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