ActiveCampaign x Dropbox webhook development for automated onboarding flow

Hi all,

We’d like to set up an automated onboarding programme for our clients using ActiveCampaign. Our onboarding process requires us to request documents from our clients. We’re currently doing all that via Google Form and Google Drive. Our business is currently scaling rapidly and this manual process, especially the chasing clients for completion, is incredibly time consuming. It isn’t viable to keep going this way as we scale up.

Here is what we would like to do:

  1. Collect contract signatures electronically via Dropbox and update the client record/deal stage in ActiveCampaign to ’ Contract signed’ via a webhook from Dropbox to pass the signature info (name, company, service purchased, date of signature as a timestamp)

  2. Trigger the start of the onboading automation X days after contract signature. Then send data via webhook to Dropbox to trigger the automated send of their built-in 'request document email. Data should include the deadline for us to receive the document (email date as timestamp + X days for example) as well as the contact’s first name, company and email address.

  3. Upon receipt of the document in Dropbox, update the contact record in ActiveCampaign via webhook.

  4. Rinse/repeat for every required document for the duration of the onboarding automation.

We don’t have any in-house developer and we didn’t get a satisfactory response for this from ActiveCampaign support. We would like to understand from developers in the community if these webhooks between ActiveCampaign and Dropbox can be created and if so who can help us develop this and for how much?



Hi Lee - I’m Greg from Developer Relations at ActiveCampaign. I’m happy to help you get an automation working that can hopefully make this process easier. As some of the information may be sensitive, please send me an email at, and we’ll continue the conversation there. Thanks!

Hi Greg, thanks for your quick response. Perfect, I’ll drop you an email so we can get the ball rolling. Thanks!

I look forward to hearing from you!

Hi @gsvoboda we contacted you at the email address provided on Monday. When do you think we could expect a response? Thanks!

Hi @bbbdrinks! Greg has been on such much-deserved time off, but returns Monday. I’ve sent him your message so that he can follow up asap when he gets back! Thanks for your patience!!