ActiveCampaign Lists Explained - and why you should have as few as possible

:raising_hand_woman: Aunty Kay says: No More Lists in ActiveCampaign! :clipboard:


Having too many Lists in ActiveCampaign is a massive pain in the batooky that will cost you in time, stress and money.


:white_check_mark: Subscribed to a List = you CAN send emails to this contact

:x: Not Subscribed to any Lists = you CANNOT send emails to this contact

:warning: Lists have hidden dangers - you are NOT fully in control of which contacts are subscribed to which Lists

And there’s more…

:scream: Subscribers can take themselves off lists by hitting unsubscribe

:comet: ActiveCampaign can take contacts off Lists when they bounce

:hammer_and_wrench: API calls and integrations you forgot about can take contacts off Lists

My advice?

Get informed about how Lists really behave in ActiveCampaign so you stay in control and out of trouble.


Visit the blog for our explainer video and the nitty gritty details on understanding ActiveCampaign Lists :arrow_down:

#activecampaign #activecampaignlists #activecampaignqueen

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