About the Introductions category

Let us know who you are and tell us about your journey as a marketer. Where have you been? Where are you going?

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Hi, I am Simon from Jersey in the Channel Islands.

I have been an Amazon retailer for the last 3 years and now am building our own branded website with Ezra Firestone.

I am looking forward to learning all there is to know with the Active Campaign.


Hi, all!
I have been using email marketing for around one year and moved to AC after about six months.
I haven’t looked back! :grin:

The thing is: I’m still building a list. 288 readers today, and counting…

500 seems an awfully long way away!

Loving AC and also really enjoying the AC podcast.

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Hi everyone, I’m Darren from Headsets4business and love marketing, especially email marketing. Really looking forward to learning new and sharing existing tips and tricks from Forum members. If your in Ecommerce, Organising Sales pipelines and designing funnels using AC it would be great to catch up.

many thanks

I am Peter Carruthers. I’ve been working online since 2000. Since then I have lived in South Africa, Australia, England, Gran Canaria and finally Norway. Terminal wanderlust.

I am using AC to drive the marketing for a small business academy I have set up at Teachable.com.

I’ve been in direct marketing since 1984. (My first business sold datacomms kit to IBM mainframe users in SA, which I did via snail mail because it was all that there was back then.)

Most of my direct marketing has been to very focused communities. Somewhere between England and Norway I lost my way. Now it’s back to tight segmentation in the Andre chaperon style.

I’ve referenced this forum a few times and I feel guilty I haven’t given anything back. So here I am.

I’m Anna, a speech language pathologist in Canada. I’m looking for ways to keep track of my caseload, referral sources and past clients. I hope I can figure out automations in AC.

Hi all! James here, from DoneDone. We just joined up to help automate a bunch of stuff we’ve been doing manually. DoneDone is a simple productivity app for bug tracking, issue tracking, task management, and customer support. It’s designed to be lightweight. Take a look! We’ve got thousands of subscribers, so we’re happy to have them now migrated to a robust automation system.

My name is Judy and I’m the owner of Judy’s Hands for Helping Pet Care Services, LLC. I live in OFallon, IL.
I have owned my pet sitting business for about 3 years and am trying to grow it.
I do a lot of marketing but have never done anything like this. I’m having a hard time getting started.


Im Jenny the founder of Routes and Branches an International Consultancy that helps businesses to expand internationally. Mainly from the UK to the rest of the world but sometimes in the other direction. I have used Mail chimp up to this point but am now looking for something with greater functionality so I can automate more of my marketing.

However you have so many features that im feeling overwhelmed and not really sure where to start - any help would be great!

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Hi @routesandbranches, looking for greater functionality and automation in your marketing tools, you’re in the right place and we’re happy you.

The best place to get started would be using our Getting Started manual.

Here you’ll find a quick 6-minute video on getting started with ActiveCampaign, a checklist of items to-do to get up and running, as well as ways to find additional support, including the ability to schedule a one-on-one call with our Success team.

Please let us know if you need any additional help along the way.

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Great website and great content. You are inspiration to many of us who are stepping into automated email marketing. https://merutimber.co.ke/