1 company for multiple contacts

I want to be able to track the contacts who work for the same company. When I do this via search i will miss the misspelled or the variations. Is it possible approacht this more as a database of companies where I can add multiple persons? So that i can get a list per company of the contacts and their functions and other relevant data

The Accounts feature lets you capture details about the businesses you work with at an account level and keep it all in one place.

With Accounts, you can store and track details in account fields, see all contacts associated with a business, create segments, and personalize emails with account fields.

Depending on your plan, these records can house information such as:

  • Account name
  • Account owner
  • URL
  • Physical mailing address
  • Phone number
  • Description
  • Number of employees
  • Annual revenue
  • Industry/vertical
  • Information collected in custom fields
  • Contacts associated with the business
  • Notes
  • Deals

You can use information collected in Account fields to segment contacts and personalize communications.

Once you create an account, it will be listed on the Accounts Overview page where you can view and update it anytime.

Create a new account record:

  1. Navigate to Contacts > Accounts.
  2. Click the “Add an Account” button.
  3. A modal window will appear. Complete all required fields in the modal.
  4. Click the “Add” button.

The new account record will be added to the bottom of the last page of the Accounts list. Once created, you can open the account’s record page to add and store data about the account.

There are a few other ways around this:

  • If you are surveying specific companies, you can create a dropdown field so no misspellings are possible.

  • You might also create a tag to allow for common variations or misspellings. If you tag contacts that you find with the correct Company tag, it’ll make searching in the future a breeze!

  • If there are certain variations or misspellings that are common, you can also set up an automation to apply standardized tags based on the “Company Name” custom field. So if someone were to fill out their company name with “Company Corp” instead of “Company Corporation,” you could have the automation add the tag “Company Corporation.”

I hope one of these options work for you!