LIVE: Enhanced automation actions and features

This year, we are rolling out significant updates to our automation building experience to make it more intuitive, user-friendly, and performant. Part of this redesign involves enhancing our automation actions.

Here’s whats new this week:

  • SMS Personalization: Experience a consistent and intuitive personalization process with chip-based tags for easy editing, type-ahead functionality for quick access, and comprehensive access to all Contact, Deal, Account, and Custom Object personalization tags. Our modernized design and improved navigation make the setup process visually appealing and more efficient. Plus, you can preview your SMS messages to see exactly how they will appear to your contacts.
  • CX App Actions: We’ve made an exciting upgrade to our CX app actions to enhance personalization capabilities within your marketing strategies. CX apps that include personalization features such as Slack and Postmark can now seamlessly access data from Accounts, Deals, Ecommerce, and Custom Objects. This enhancement allows marketers to leverage a broader range of data points, enabling more precise and impactful customer marketing.
  • Subscribe & Unsubscribe from List: With an improved layout, you no longer need to scroll through drop-down menus to select your lists. All lists are now displayed in one clear menu for easier selection.
  • Add & Remove Tag: Experience a more efficient setup process with improved tag search capabilities.
  • Perform Math: Enjoy a consistent and intuitive configuration process and more organized access to all Contact and Deal fields.

We are continually improving the automation builder throughout the quarter. Explore what’s coming later this quarter here.

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